Toaster Oven Review

Mini Sheet Pans Set of 2

Mini Sheet Pans Set of 2

Images for Mini Sheet Pans Set of 2

Mini Sheet Pans Set of 2 Short Description

These are excellent and versatile sheet pans. Fit in toaster ovens and RV ovens. Great for rolls, cinnamon rolls, fudge, heating and reheating. Super for toasting individual sandwiches in a broiler. So many uses in such a small product.

Mini Sheet Pans Set of 2 Key Features

  • Heavy Weight Aluminum Sheet Pan
  • Measures 10" x 6" x 1"
  • Dishwasher Safe
  • Fits in Toaster Oven

List Price: $ 10.95

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 1:44 PM and have