Toaster Oven Review

Diablo Stovetop Toasted Sandwich Snack Maker

Diablo Stovetop Toasted Sandwich Snack Maker

Images for Diablo Stovetop Toasted Sandwich Snack Maker

Diablo Stovetop Toasted Sandwich Snack Maker Short Description

A Diablo is a deep, disc-shaped snack usually made with bread for devilishly deep toasted sandwiches. No mess, no plug, no problem. Titanium, non-stick, scratch-resistant coating, dishwasher safe. The Diablo can be used on gas, ceramic and electric hobs. There is no limit to the variety of meals and snacks that can be made with the Diablo. A range of delicious recipes for this versatile piece of cookware are included in the package - from simple cheese sandwiches to pizza calzones and cherry turnovers! A great way to make a quick, delicious snack or mini-meal.

Diablo Stovetop Toasted Sandwich Snack Maker Key Features

  • Can be used on gas, ceramic and electric hobs
  • The Diablo is coated with non-stick, scratch resistant Titanium
  • Delicious recipes are included in the package
  • Easy to use, makes amazing sandwiches¿limited only by imagination

List Price: $ 29.99

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 8:22 AM and have