Toaster Oven Review

Rome's Roaster Toaster Marshmallow Fork, Set of 4

Rome's Roaster Toaster Marshmallow Fork, Set of 4

Images for Rome's Roaster Toaster Marshmallow Fork, Set of 4

Rome's Roaster Toaster Marshmallow Fork, Set of 4 Short Description

Perfect for a marshmallow toast, the roaster toaster fork is made from chrome plated steel and packed 4 forks to a pack. 20" overall length. Made by family camping cooking specialists, Rome Industries.

Rome's Roaster Toaster Marshmallow Fork, Set of 4 Key Features

  • 4 Pack Of Forks
  • Chrome Plated Steel
  • Marshmallow Fun
  • 20 inch length

List Price: $ 3.22

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 8:44 PM and have